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Filling Vacancies: Type A City (Local Gov’t Code, Section 22.010)

  • Term of office: 2 years/can opt for up to 4 (Local Gov’t Code, Section 22.035)*
  • Population: at least 600 (Local Gov’t Code, Section 6.001)
  • One vacancy: The city council may fill the vacancy by appointment (majority of remaining members, excluding the mayor, make the appointment) until the next regular city election (at which time office will go on the ballot for the unexpired term, if any) or call a special election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the expired term.*
  • Two vacancies at the same time: the city council must order a special election to fill the vacancies for the remainder of the unexpired term.*
  • A special election ordered to fill these vacancies is governed by Title 12 of the Election Code.

*A 3-year or 4-year term requires adoption by election (Art. XI, Sec. 11, Tex Cons.) once adopted, vacancies must be filled by special election. See Art. XI, Sec. 11 for details.

Qualifications for Office: Type A City (Local Gov’t Code, Section 22.032)


  • Residence: 1 year in state prior to the filing deadline; 1 year in city prior to election day
  • Age: 18
  • Must be a registered voter in the territory elected by the filing deadline.*


  • Residence: 1 year in the state prior to the filing deadline; 6 months in the city (or ward) prior to filing deadline (Texas Elec. Code, Section 141.001(a); Brown v. Patterson, 609 SW 2nd 287)
  • Age: 18
  • Must be a registered voter in the territory elected by the filing deadline.*
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