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Please welcome Candace Moreno!

You will see a new face at Rosebud City Hall!

Candace Moreno joins us as the new Court Clerk/Administrative Assistant. Candace is a para legal and a Rosebud resident.

We are so happy to have her on our team. Please be patient as she learns City business, policies and procedures.

Welcome Candace!


Water Rate Increase Fee Schedule

Price increase:

Due to the results of a TCEQ inspection, the state of Texas had required the city to increase the amount of available water it provides to its citizens. The rule is .6 GPM per tap, at 427 GPM (gallons per minute) the city is operating at 107%.

The supply must be raised to 500 GPM to comply. This involves upsizing the pumps in Lott and possibly the entire line from Lott to Rosebud. Along with the cost of those changes it also requires a modification of the cities obligated take or pay, raising the monthly cost of our water significantly.

Our water supplier CTWS also has their own issues to combat regarding old infrastructure, and they are forced to raise the overall cost of water to its customers.

The city of Rosebud is currently seeking alternative water sources for future development, I.E. water wells and other available sources.

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